Book Review: Snow Blind; By: Robert Sabbag - Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant!!!

Book Review: Snow Blind; By: Robert Sabbag - Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant!!!

As the title says; Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant!!! I love non-fiction, true crime, and adventure books. Having read an assortment of books on this topic I’d say “Snow Blind” is one of the best!

If you like books like “Smugglers Blues”, “Contrabando”, and “Blow”; you’ll LOVE this book!

High quality writing filled with inventive smuggling, humor, cunning, and crime. This book though relatively long, for this genre, is a joy to read and you’ll breeze through it.

This book was set “back in the day” before crack, before the cartels, and for the most part even before violence entered the drug trade. From reading this book and others it seems; or at least the way it’s portrayed; things were nothing like today.

It seems it was generally non-violent hippy types with a sense of adventure and not much direction decided there was a way to fulfill their need for an adrenaline rush, as well as financial rewards by smuggling drugs.

The ability to experience vicariously things one would never consider doing is one of the greatest things about reading and this book fit’s the bill and provides exactly such an experience.

Reading “Snow Blind” you get as clear a picture of the life as a smuggler as possible without risking a prison sentence. There is never a dull moment as this book shifts rapidly between New York, Texas, Columbia, and Mexico.

I would highly recommend this book. One of the best things about this book in my opinion is how every step along the way you get a first person view of what the characters were going through as well as what it felt like doing what they were doing.

This is a great read and a perfect book to read on the beach!!!

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