10 Frugal Things You Should Be Doing To Save Money

1. Obtaining Car Financing / Getting A Car Loan BEFORE Car Shopping. First off make sure you're buying a car for a logical reason to which is to get you from place A to place B economically and not for emotional reasons like liking how the car looks and the image it gives off. . If you obtain financing first and know before shopping what you can afford you will be in a better situation to make a more logical and smart decision.

2. Consolidate Your Loans. If you're paying a high interest rate on your loans try consolidating your loans to get a lower rate and give yourself some extra room in your monthly budget.

3. Learn About Investing. It's not as difficult as the professionals would like you to believe. This past year I myself who's far from being an expert investor outperformed several friends and family members financial advisers by over 16%. Who's going to care more about YOUR MONEY? You or someone else?

4. Pay Off Your Credit Card At The End Of Every Month. Don't Carry A Balance!!! Most people carry a balance on their credit card. Regardless of whether it's large or small it costs you money each month, money you don't need to be wasting.

5. Save Something!!! Obviously the more money you can save the better off you are but many people don't save anything or put anything away for retirement. No matter how difficult your current situation is try to put SOMETHING...ANYTHING...away for savings.

6. Install A Programmable Thermostat. Get control of your heating and cooling costs by installing a programmable thermostat. It's easy and you can do it yourself. If you have roommates this is also a great way to keep costs under control by setting and controlling the heating and cooling of your home and not leaving it in the control of roommates who don't have to pay the utilities.

7. Have A Yard Sale Or Sell Some Un-needed Items On EBay. Not only is this your chance to declutter your home but make some money while your at it. Having a yard sale or garage sale or selling items you don't use on eBay can be a great way to declutter your home and your life while adding some funds to your bank account as well.

8. Bring Lunch To Work. If your like me in your head you think eating lunch out costs $5. That may be true if your eating off the dollar menu but even a sandwich chips and a drink from Panera, Subway or most other sub shops will run you $7-$8. That adds up quickly, during a 5 day work week that adds up to $40 and can easily run higher depending upon where you eat out at. You should be able to make your lunch at home for less than $2 a day. That's savings that will add up quickly and you'll probably be eating healthier as well.

9. Take Advantage Of The Deal Craze. If you haven't been under a rock for the past few years you're probably familiar with sites like Groupon, Living Social, and YouSwoop. When you are going to go out to eat, or go do some fun leisure activity for the day why pay full price. Take advantage of Groupon, Living Social and other deal sites and save upwards of 60%  off eating out and other leisure activities.

10. Cancel Your Home Phone Line Or Landline. Most of us mainly use our cellphones these days. It seems only people over 30 have a landline and even they don't use it. I know most of my older friends and family members complain how they have a landline and only telemarketers call. Why keep it around as it could be costing you upwards of $60 per month. Cancel the landline and add some more money to your bottomline.


  1. All great tips you gave. The one thing I would add to number 9 about buying groupon deals is buying ones that you need and will use. It's great to be able to spend 50% to 90% off leisure activities and meals and fun things but oftentimes people buy things they don't need or wont use just because it's a deal so only buy it if you actually will lose it. I've let counltess groupons nad living social deals expire. The thing I do like about these deals is it makes me aware of all types of fun activities I probably never woulda foun on my own.

    1. I do the same thing, I find myself occasionally making an impulse buy on something I really don't need but I do always wind up using them.
