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Entrepreneurship Does NOT Mean Leaving Stress Behind - An Entrepreneurs Mindset

I think many people long for the day they can leave behind their day job and strike out on their own and become an entrepreneur. I think many people, myself included think that you leave stress behind once you leave a job.

The fact of the matter is nothing could be further from the truth. You leave one type of stress behind for another type of stress and in many ways being an entrepreneur is actually more stressful and requires more hours than being an employee. Being an entrepreneur however is also much more rewarding both from a personal standpoint as well as to your pocketbook.
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Leaving Your Job To Be An Entrepreneur - Trading One Type Of Stress For Another
If we are honest with ourselves I think we can all admit we have slacked at our job from time to time. Whether it's feeling lazy for a day, a week, heck some people skate through their whole career. Granted job stability and security isn't what it used to be but that said I think most people realize and know there's a level of efficiency and work they must meet at a bare minimum to keep their job and many people skate by working at that level. In all honestly I can't blame you, many people whether it's right or not only work as hard as they feel they are paid to work.

When you are an entrepreneur there's no lazyness and no skating as how much you make and your success or failure doesn't depend on others or a company, it all falls on your shoulders. You can't blend in with the pack and just skate by, you are the pack.

Another thing about being an entrepreneur. At your current or previous employer I'm sure there's always an IT department to run to when your having computer issues or you probably have some type of mentor or manager to run to when a problem occurs. When you are an entrepreneur there is nobody to run to, you are the problem solver. If a computer breaks you have to either fix it, hire someone to fix it or a new one. There's no expense account that comes out of your own pocket. You are your own problem solver and though you can reach out to consoltants and businesses to help this all requires time and money.

I think people fail to realize these elements of being an entrepreneur. As someone who has recently left my job to focus on my business I can tell you I expected to be on cloud 9 and life was easy and in reality I'm just as busy if not more so than I was before working a fulltime job and running my business, probably in large part because now I am 100% dependent on income from my business.

Though being an entrepreneur is a challenge it's also rewarding as well. Though some days are stressful I do find myself at times just being very happy and proud of what I started and that I'm doing things on my own. I also like that my destiny, my success, and how much money I make is on my shoulders and not dependent on if my boss wants to give me a 2% cost of living raise.

Here are some things to think about if you are or are thinking about becomming an entrepreneur. If you have any questions or comments please leave them below.

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