What Is Article Spinning? Should You Spin Articles? Two Types Of Spinning

What is article spinning?

Article spinning is what some may refer to as plagarizing. Article spinning is essentially taking someone else's article or content and changing out words and sentences to make the article different enough to pass as your own. Some writers may object to this, while others think it's a quick easy way to multiply content. Article spinning isn't even necessarily just stealing other peoples work. Say you write a quality article on a topic, by spinning your article you can turn it into 4-5 other articles you can either republish or submit to article directories.

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Should You Spin Articles For Your Blog?

Should you spin articles?

This is a choice you will have to make for yourself. Some people love article spinning and find it a quick and easy way to multiply content or use others content. Many writers however may consider this a cheating practice or even plagarism.

Here is my take on article spinning. Spun articles sometimes do well on search engines and sometimes you can make some money with spun articles so it's not all bad. That said spun articles are not enjoyable to read, it's typically not quality content and you most likely will not get people coming back to read your website or blog.

If you're writing about a topic your not passionate about or not informed about and strictly trying to make money by all means try article spinning and see how it works for you. On the other hand if you have a quality blog you've been writing on for a while with all unique content I'd recommend not getting into spinning. If you have a following, even a small following, you will most likely lose them by doing spun articles. Articles don't read nicely, the words and word choices often don't make sense and sentence structure is oftentimes off. You don't want to tarnish the repuation and brand of a quality blog by adding spun content if you have a quality blog with original content.

Two Types of Spinning?

There are essentially two types of article spinning, manual or automated with the assistance of a software or website.

Manually to spin an article you would basically either re-write an existing article or in some cases people will even copy and paste someone else article and just swap out words, maybe re-arrange a few sentences, etc. A better way to do it is just to completely re-write the article, however this will also be more time consuming. In many instances it's even more time consuming to spin an article than it is just to write your own article as spinning is thinking and re-arranging someone else's work while writing has more of a flow to it.

The alternative to manually spinning articles is to use a software or website to spin content for you. This is quick and easy, however also sacrafices quality. Same way voice recognition software and other softwares are not perfect, neither is article spinning software. Automated spun articles are difficult to read, oftentimes don't make sense and the software often selects poor choices for replacement words.

What's the verdict?

So what's the verdict? Should you or should you not spin articles. This totally comes down to personal choice. If your an SEO wiz and know your way around getting sites and articles indexed, ranked and searched for maybe you can do okay and make some money spinning articles.

If you actually want to grow readership, grow a brand, and engage with your readers I would advice against spinning articles as people do not want to read them.

It basically boils down to, do you want one time visitors to your website who maybe accidentally click an Adsense ad of yours, or do you want a following and do you want to have an engaging blog which people come back to check and read more of your content.

Sure there are shortcuts to those who are SEO Guru's, however for the rest of us unique quality content is the best way to attract readers and visitors to your blog.

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