How to Block Shopify Transactions Over a Certain Dollar Amount

How to Block Shopify Transactions Over a Certain Dollar Amount

To some people it may sound crazy to turn down a large order right. That's what we all want is large orders. 

That said some sellers do want to limit transactions on their Shopify store to a specific Dollar amount. This could be for a variety of reasons. Their payment processor could limit how much they can process per customer per day, they may wish to speak with customers placing larger orders, or some may even require ID and need that before processing, or some people may just be worried about chargebacks and want to limit the risk. 

Regardless of the reason, while Shopify itself doesn't allow you to do this, your payment processor, most likely Authorize.Net will allow you to do this. For those of you using Paypal, while I'm not going to show it in this tutorial you can also set a limit in Paypal as well. I'm not sure about Stripe.

So here's how you do this in Authorize.Net

1. Start by logging into Authorize.Net. From the homepage click the tools tab at the top.

2. Next click the "Fraud Detection Suite" tab at the left near the arrow. This will take you to your fraud detection suite.

3. Next click the "Amount Filter" tab near the arrow. This will take you to the amount filter where you can set a min or max order by Dollar amount you are willing to accept. 

4. Lastly set the limit amount for the highest Dollar amount transaction you are willing to accept. You can also set the filter actions to completely decline the transaction. To authorize the payment but not process and hold for your review. To authorize the transaction and hold for further review. And lastly for you to just allow it to go through. 

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