Looking for Amazon Merch Shirt Ideas? Here's 50 Ideas for You!

Amazon Merch Shirt Ideas

Okay, so you're new on Amazon Merch, you're anxious to get rolling and get some shirts on the platform, but you're at a total loss of which niches to work in. With Amazon Merch volume is the name of the game so get as many shirts out there as possible. 

Your first priority should be getting shirts on the platform, once you've filled your allotment be it 10 or 25, or 100, or 500. Then go back in and delete some of the poorer quality shirts and go back and make refinements and put some better designs up. First and foremost however should be maxing out your number of shirts.

While there's all types of categories of shirts that do well from trending things to politics to many more, a popular everygreen niche is hobbies. Be it a sport, reading, sailing, riding a bike, these topics are things people are passionate about and associate themselves with and often buy shirts for.

So in today's post I've decided to share 50 of the most popular hobbies. Maybe this will stir up an idea in your head and help you create some shirts.

50 Popular Hobbies

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