Do Todays Young Professionals Have An Attitude Of Entitlement?

Whether it be in the workplace or on job/career forums or message boards you constantly hear the older generations saying that young professionals today, (Gen Y & Gen Z), have an attitude of entitlement.

Do you think this is true? Personally I don't find this to be true and if it is I believe the older generations, my generations teachers, parents, and professionals are responsible for it.

I think we're entering a period of transition. This is why you see people who are disgruntled (or entitled, as you may label them). The reason people feel "entitled to a job" or "entitled to a career" as you put it, is because that seed was planted ages ago, when they were little sprouts.

Parents, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, and Teachers planted these ideas in those little saplings noggins, that if you work hard, and go to college, you will land yourself a middle-class life.

Now that htey have blossomed into adults, they are going out into the world with the expectations that their elders; yeah you guys who call us entitled;  left them with, but cannot be fulfilled because of the economy and globalization, and they're all receiving a big slap in the face instead of the car, boat, house with the picket fence and the rest of the life you promised them they would have.

Though I agree that there are people out there that have higher expectations than are realistic, I don't believe it's antibody's right to point fingers at them and criticize them and laugh at them for this behavior.

It's how they were raised; by you guys I might add. What else do they know? Fortunately, you and I have the added benefit to teach our (future) kids to understand the world; (supply, demand, economy, globalization, etc.) a bit differently than we were taught.

This is my main argument. Generation Y and Generation Z aren't entitled, we are simply expecting that middle class life and decent job we were promised we would have if we worked hard and went to college. Check back soon as we'll have another post looking at whether parents and teachers push college too much.

Personally I don't necessarily think college was the best choice for me but it was pounded into my head from a young age if you don't go to college you will be a failure and have no chance at a decent life. Looking back on it I wish I had gone to a tech school or into the trades. There is always a need for that type of work, it pays decent and there is still the ability to start your own business or company if you aspire to higher things than just being a tradesmen working for someone else or working for a company.

My second argument for why this generation is not a generation of entitled people is that every generation seems to complain about the new generation. The generation from the depression talked about how hard they had it. The silent generation fought many of the wars and talk about how tough they had it. The baby boomers tell the kids of the 70's and 80's; Generation X; how hard they had it. And now the Baby Boomers are telling Generation Y and Z how hard they had it.

I don't necessarily think any generation had it harder than another, I think each generation had it's own challenges. Now days there's government loans and grants for college and some people's parents pay for their college and you hear older generations saying how cushy today's generation has it. Guess what, college tuition has gone up at a skyrocketing rate making paying for college for a young person impossible to do on their own without grants, loans or help from parents. It's almost not possible for a college student to pay their own way through college with the typical jobs that a college student is able to get.

Another generational difference is that just 50 or 60 years ago you could get a college tuition and get a job in a factory and though you may not be rich you could probably afford a home, a car and you could raise a family. Today however it's much tougher.

My main point being that one generation did not necessarily have it more difficult than another generation, each generation has it's own challenges.

What are your thoughts? If your Generation X or earlier do you think today's Young Professionals have an attitude of entitlement? If your in Gen Y or Gen Z, do you hear from older colleagues at work that your generation has an attitude of entitlement? We'd like to hear from you, leave a comment below.

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