Mark Cuban and Tai Lopez Talk About Spotting Trends

This morning while I was drinking my coffee, I was watching a Youtube video where Mark Cuban visits Tai Lopez at his house and they talk business as well as other things.

This is a very informative and interesting video for a number of reasons but the main thing that jumped out at me that both Mark Cuban and Tai Lopez mentioned was being curious and being able to spot trends.

What does this mean exactly? People who are curious are always looking into all types of topics, businesses and products which interest them. By being curious and explosing yourself to lots of things you are more likely to stay on top of trends, and also more likely to have a lightbulb go off in your head of a new idea or how to improve an existing one.

As for spotting trends. Why is it so valuable? In my opinion if your able to spot a trend and get in before others, you don't necessarily have to be the best at it, you just have to be the first and you can learn and educate yourself and become an expert in that future trend before anyone else even knows it exists.

Watch it for yourself and if anyone else picks up any helpful or important knowledge please drop a comment below and share with us.

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