For years I've been hearing people say content is key, don't worry about gaming the system and playing games with search engines, just come up with good content and the readers will come.
Recently I've finally accepted this concept and found some great success with just a couple very simple things even a beginner blogger can do. Here's what they are.
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3 Easy Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Blog |
3 Easy Ways Beginners Can Drive Massive Traffice
Content is key. Come up with well written and concise articles which people are interested in reading. Provide some value, teach people how to do something, explain something, answer a question many people have. Providing good content doesn't require any specific knowledge of SEO, just write good stuff and readers will come, others will pick up and syndicate your articles and you'll drive traffic. Believe me, don't get all hungup on complicated SEO strategy, worry about providing quality content.Consistant Blog Posting
Years ago I worked really hard at my blogs. I wrote a lot of articles and began getting frustrated the traffic didn't come. This led me to do something stupid for years. Instead of focusing on building a lot of quality content on one blog, I began setting up dozens of blogs, throwing up some poorly written content or even PLR articles and hoping that quantity over quality would make me some money. This strategy definately did not work for me. I have many blogs I havn't touched in years which are getting no traffic so clearly that strategy failed.Recently however I've been focusing on this blog, which has pretty much been sitting idle for a few years. Just for the past week or two I've been trying to post good quality and interesting content on a regular basis and honeslty after only a week or two I've noticed a pretty good spike in traffic.
Now don't just start churning out garbage articles just for the sake of posting, but if possible try to do an experiment for me, if your frustrated with the traffic your getting. Set a goal for a month to post a blog every day. After a month come back here and leave a comment and report back to us how this has worked out for you. I can't gurantee you a million hits a month, however I can gurantee you'll see a significant spike in traffic and readership.
Social Media Posting/Bookmarking
You may hear people use the term social media bookmarking. This basically just means sharing your posts on social media. So why is this a good thing? Well first it can lead to backlinks. It leads to potentially other people on sical media sharing your post with their family and friends and potentially bringing you all new readers, and lastly anyone who sees your post has a chance at clicking your link and visiting your site and/or reading your article.This does require a bit of work on your part. First you should setup social media accounts on every major platform such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. You should also engage with others on those platforms, ideally people with your same interests or in your niche so they are interested in the stuff yo upost. Enagage people. What I mean by this is either start a Facebook group or Join one. Interact with others, have debates, discuss things, and not only will this give you ideas for articles you can write but if you post them in those groups those people will likely be interested and give them a read.
This is a great way to introduce people to your blog or website and a great way of sharing and getting others to share your writing.
As I stated at the begining of this post. This is not rocket science. YOu don't have to be an SEO expert to do these things, any beginner blogger should be able to do these simple things and I think you'll be amazed at how much more traffic you get to your site implementing these simple things.
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